Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How to Choose The Best Flat Iron

Choosing the right flat iron is not an easy task, so here are some tips to help your shopping experience.

 You should be focused on four key points that explain main functions and technologies.

The most often asked question is should I get ceramic, titanium, tourmaline or diamond plates flat iron.

Not sure which one to pick?

These four technical terms really do the same thing. They all have some things in common. They all emit negative ions and far-infrared heat.

If you are wondering in which order they came in, the first was ceramic plate, than tourmaline, titanium and finally, diamond.

When it comes to flat irons, you should not choose solely on these types.

Firstly, check what the product is made of. Two main concerns are durability and performance. 90% of all flat irons today are made in China and South Korea.

Those made in Korea are better in terms of quality and longevity. Consequently, they are more expensive. However, this does not mean that all hair straighteners coming from China are bad. There are some very good products made in this country. On the other hand, there are also a few faulty irons made in Korea.

Another question asked is do I need a flat iron that heats up to 450F. The answer is yes and no.

80% of women have normal to fine hair. and only need flat iron that heats up to 410F. If you have super thick, coarse and curly hair, you might want to consider buying a brand that heats up to 450F.

But be very careful, because this high temp can burn your hair very easily.

So, you want a flat iron with a temperature dial. Why? Since we all have different hair types, pre-set ironers can either be way too hot or not hot enough. So temperature dial is useful when selecting the right heat desired for your hair type.

Does the plate width really matter? Based on experience, perfect size for flat iron is 1 inch. Because they are lighter and you won't strain your arm as you style. Also, 1-inch plates make it easy to flip and curl your hair.

However, if you do not mind extra weight, thick plates allow you to straighten quicker.

There are tons of options and features that you won't necessarily need for your flat iron. We know how difficult can be to pick and choose between them, so we hope that these four key points will help you in search for the right flat iron for your hair.

Check out the latest flat iron reviews and learn about best ceramic and titanium flat irons.

Preparing Your Hair Before Flat Ironing

This topic is often overlooked. However, preparation is the most important part in hair styling. If your prep is done correctly, your hair style will hold longer and look that much better.

We divided prep into five simple steps.

Step 1:

Shampoo and condition your hair. Clean hair allows you to style with ease. It makes sure there are no residues and buildup left in your hair, which can potentially lead to to run flat iron over your hair a few extra times more than necessary, which can ultimately lead to damaged hair or damaged tool.

With that said, make sure to condition your hair, since no matter what people say, flat ironing does cause damage. However, if you condition and apply hair masks regularly, your hair should be just fine.

Step 2:

Blow dry your hair until is completely dry. This is because dry hair will hold style longer, especially on curls. If you are not careful, the steam may burn your head.

Another tip we recommend is to apply healing oil to your hair before you blow dry. The oil acts as a leaving conditioner, protecting your hair from heat, adds shine and reduces frizz as well. Just make sure to apply oil from mid length to ends of your hair to avoid oily scalp.

Step 3:

Section your hair. This one simple step will help you save lots of time. You should section your hair in at least two sections. The front and the back, or from side to side. However, for better results, divide your hair into four different sections: the front, the back, and from side to side. The more sections you have, the more organized you will be, making it easier to style. So main benefits of sectioning your hair are:

- lowers chances of missing some areas of hair
- hair will be more even
- avoid styling the same section repeatedly.

Step 4:

Clean your flat iron. If your tool is working at its peak, you may feel the need to make one extra pass, causing father damage to your hair. So make sure your plates are clean. When you clean your iron, make sure that power is off. Next, give your plates the final wipe with a damp cloth.

Step 5:

Apply thermal spray. This is the final step. Make sure you use heat protectant spray before you flat iron your hair. Thermal spray protects your hair from damage, adds shine and seals your hair preventing any frizz. Apply spray to clean, blow dried and sectioned hair. For the best performance, spray one section and style it, than move on to the next section and so on. Some people tend to spray only to the top layer of their hair so make sure you apply it inside as well for full protection of your hair.

Now your hair is prepared for the use of flat iron.You may also want to find out how to choose the best flat iron.

What Flat Irons Are Made Of?

When you look at any site that sells flat irons, you will notice some scientific words used to differentiate between flat irons - ceramic, ionic, tourmaline, titanium. Let's learn what these words mean so you can better understand your hair straightener.

The most basic material that you want your flat iron's plates made of is ceramic. These plates allow for even heat distribution, which keeps your iron from having heat spots that could damage and burn your hair. So ceramic is really important.

An ionic generator is the next level. You do not realize it but when you step out of the shower, your hair is positively charged. As you walk around with such hair, and it interacts with different particles in the air, that creates frizz and static. So ionic generator on your flat iron, coats your hair with negative ions, which than cancels up the positive and makes your hair neutral, allowing it to be frizz-free and smooth.

The next level is tourmaline. It is crashed gem stones added to ceramic to boost ion generating, making your hair even more silky and more shiny.

At the top is titanium. This is an excellent heat conductor. It helps your iron maintain consistent heat so the temperature does not vary when ironing your hair. This minimizes heat damage done to your hair.

There are other great features that you need in flat iron, like adjustable temperature. People with thin hair do not need their iron to get as hot as people with coarse kinky hair.

You can also get an auto shut off. So if you constantly leaving your house asking yourself did I turned my flat iron off, you will need this function.

One of the most popular addons is beveled plates. This makes flat iron to become a styler that you can use for curls and creating volume.

We hope these have been helpful tips and that now you know more about your flat iron and understand what exactly it does. Now learn how to choose the best flat iron.