Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Preparing Your Hair Before Flat Ironing

This topic is often overlooked. However, preparation is the most important part in hair styling. If your prep is done correctly, your hair style will hold longer and look that much better.

We divided prep into five simple steps.

Step 1:

Shampoo and condition your hair. Clean hair allows you to style with ease. It makes sure there are no residues and buildup left in your hair, which can potentially lead to to run flat iron over your hair a few extra times more than necessary, which can ultimately lead to damaged hair or damaged tool.

With that said, make sure to condition your hair, since no matter what people say, flat ironing does cause damage. However, if you condition and apply hair masks regularly, your hair should be just fine.

Step 2:

Blow dry your hair until is completely dry. This is because dry hair will hold style longer, especially on curls. If you are not careful, the steam may burn your head.

Another tip we recommend is to apply healing oil to your hair before you blow dry. The oil acts as a leaving conditioner, protecting your hair from heat, adds shine and reduces frizz as well. Just make sure to apply oil from mid length to ends of your hair to avoid oily scalp.

Step 3:

Section your hair. This one simple step will help you save lots of time. You should section your hair in at least two sections. The front and the back, or from side to side. However, for better results, divide your hair into four different sections: the front, the back, and from side to side. The more sections you have, the more organized you will be, making it easier to style. So main benefits of sectioning your hair are:

- lowers chances of missing some areas of hair
- hair will be more even
- avoid styling the same section repeatedly.

Step 4:

Clean your flat iron. If your tool is working at its peak, you may feel the need to make one extra pass, causing father damage to your hair. So make sure your plates are clean. When you clean your iron, make sure that power is off. Next, give your plates the final wipe with a damp cloth.

Step 5:

Apply thermal spray. This is the final step. Make sure you use heat protectant spray before you flat iron your hair. Thermal spray protects your hair from damage, adds shine and seals your hair preventing any frizz. Apply spray to clean, blow dried and sectioned hair. For the best performance, spray one section and style it, than move on to the next section and so on. Some people tend to spray only to the top layer of their hair so make sure you apply it inside as well for full protection of your hair.

Now your hair is prepared for the use of flat iron.You may also want to find out how to choose the best flat iron.

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